This package will diagnose faults and tell you how to carry out the necessary repairs, including how to get components safely off and back on again, and the exact BMW part numbers to order for your own car. It tells you when to service the car and how to carry out the work. It also allows programming of your car.
BMW Diagnostic Information System (DIS V57), the diagnostic tool used by BMW dealerships:
BMW Software Service Station (SSS V32), the platform used by BMW dealerships for programming, individualization and encoding of BMW vehicles:
BMW Technical Information System (TIS V8), the full BMW service and repair manuals used by BMW dealerships including full technical specifications and torque settings. This package is integrated into BMW DIS V57, allowing correct repair instructions to be found easily:
Wiring diagrams database for BMWs and MINIs.
Parts lists giving correct BMW part numbers for your car
BMW DIS V57 (English)
BMW DIS V57 (German, French & Italian Language. Available via Download)
BMW SSS V54 (Available Via Download)
INPA 5.0.6 - V54 Datens installed - 10/2014
NCS Plant 3.0.5
NCS Expert 4.0.1 - V54 Datens installed - 10/2014
NCS Dummy - V54 Datens installed - 10/2014
NFS WINKFP 5.3.1 - V54 Datens installed - 10/2014
BMW WDS V12.0 - BMW Wiring Diagrams
MINI WDS V7.0 - MINI Wiring Diagrams
BMW Owners Manuals
BMW ETM (Electronic Troubleshoot Manual)
BMW KSD V2.0 (Error Code Catalogue & Labour Calculator)
BMW EBA V2.2 (Retrofit Options Installation Guide)
BMW ETK V2.36 (Electronic Parts Catalogue)
What can this software actually do on your car?
With this software and lead, you can do what you would normally be forced to pay a BMW dealership to do for you, but using your laptop:
Read, identify and erase diagnostics fault codes from all modules
Auto-identify your vehicle number, chassis, ECU fitted etc
Code / Program modules
Encode new modules
Test specific parts
Stream live data
Reset Service Light
Interrogate and reset reported airbag problems
Interrogate and reset reported ABS problems
Update vehicle software and firmware
Create BMW approved test plans for repairs, upgrades and updates
Synchronise EWS to DME
Programme new item and upgrade functions
Reset ECU adaptations
Reset SMG / SSG functions
And much more including wiring diagrams and parts catalogues.
Models covered by this software:
All models are covered as long as they have an oblong socket near the steering column or an under bonnet 20 pin 'round' socket:
BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E87, E88
BMW 3 Series E30, E36, E46, E90, E91, E92, E93
BMW 5 Series E28, E34, E39, E60, E61
BMW 6 Series E24, E63, E64
BMW 7 Series E22, E32, E38, E65
BMW 8 Series E31
BMW X3 - E83, X5 E53, X5 - E70, X6 - E71
BMW Z1 - E30, Z3 - E36, Z4 - E85 / E86 / E89, Z8 - E52
MINI R50 / R52 / R53 / R55 / R56 / R57
